Chocolate and Coconut Chia Pudding

Nutrition per serving: 313 kcal. 17g Fats35g Carbs 7g Protein

Nutrition per serving:

313 kcal.

17g Fats

35g Carbs

7g Protein


  • 4 tbsp. chia seeds

  • 240ml almond milk

  • 4 tbsp. coconut yogurt 

  • 2 tbsp. agave syrup

  • 2 tbsp. cocoa powder

To serve:

  • 2 tbsp. coconut yogurt

  • 1 tbsp. cocoa nibs, or dark chocolate


In a bowl, combine the chia seeds, milk, yogurt, syrup and cocoa powder, mixing well.

Leave in the fridge for 10 mins to thicken, stirring once half-way through. 

Once thick, transfer into serving glasses or bowls and top with 1 tbsp. coconut yogurt and a sprinkle of cocoa nibs or chocolate.

Tip: If leaving in the fridge overnight, add an extra splash of milk.